

Malak Altaeb

Independent Consultant and Researcher

Food Security
Artificial Intelligence
Environmental Security

"Malak Altaeb is an independent consultant, writer, and researcher from Libya based in Paris, France. She is an Environmental Policy master’s graduate from Sciences Po in Paris, with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Tripoli, Libya. She is a non-resident fellow with the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) 2022-23 cohort, working on food security in North Africa. Malak is a member of the World Youth Parliament for Water – Research group and the Groundwater Youth Network (GWYN).

She previously worked as an intern with the Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) in Paris from July to December 2020. Since her graduation in 2020, she has focused on environmental policy in Libya from a policy analysis lens, tackling different topics linked to the environment in Libya and the connections/learnings from other MENA countries, especially Egypt and Tunisia.

She is a graduate of the North African Policy Initiative’s Young Policy Leaders Program, during which she researched and wrote a policy paper on local agribusiness development in Tripoli, Libya. She also co-authored a policy paper on renewable energy in Libya published on the Policy Corner and researched a paper on water politics in Libya with the Arab Reform Initiative. In addition, she contributed two papers to ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale. She addressed in a recent commentary piece Libya's natural resources tackling energy, water, and food security under the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war. She also contributed to the Libya Dossier: Libya between Chaos & Hope, addressing Libya’s environmental challenges due to its political and economic instability. 

She won second in the Centre for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) Marseille’s water heroes contest and participated in the E-Hackathon on Water and Climate Change Entrepreneurship with CMI and CEWAS Middle East. She has also taken part in Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) water journalism academy workshop and participated as a speaker in a panel discussion about ‘’Solution-driven Water Journalism.” Along with other water professionals from the region, Altaeb worked with CEWAS Middle East to design and implement a media campaign for a water-solution based start-up called SOLVillion in Jordan."
